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The first initial fence is carried out on an empty stomach. The patient then takes a concentrated glucose solution as a food irritant. With a reaction in the form of an attack, a second blood sampling is performed with the measurement of pulse and pressure. If symptoms are absent, repeated blood sampling is carried out 10-15 minutes after taking glucose - the time of the standard manifestation of an early form of a dumping attack and the development of hyperglycemia. After 6 hours, the presence of late hypoglycemia, which develops with late dumping syndrome, is checked. To buy prograf online the correct diagnosis and exclude diseases with similar symptoms, an x-ray examination of the stomach with contrast barium is performed. AcceleratedI evacuate food from the stomach to the intestines in dumping syndrome.

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So-called bitterness is often introduced into the collection, which inhibits the process of tacrolimus the stomach, such as trifol or calamus. They use herbs that relieve spasms and relax smooth muscles - valerian, sage, thyme, soothing preparations with motherwort and hawthorn. The duration of the course is a month and a half. The use of any herbs without consulting a doctor threatens with an acute allergic reaction up to anaphylactic shock, increased blood clotting and the development of thrombosis. In this regard, the impact of yarrow, St. John's wort, burnet, nettle is unpredictable.

The main objectives of the treatment and prevention of dumping syndrome include the maximum mitigation of symptoms during crises, preventing the progression of the disease to the point of disability of the patient and maintaining the patient's ability to work. These goals are substitution, restorative and sedative therapy, as well as diet. Compliance with all prescriptions and recommendations of the doctor increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Dumping syndrome was first described by K. Mix in 1922, and 25 years later, Gilbert and Dunbar singled it out as an independent nosological unit. This pathology refers to diseases of the operated stomach or post-resection syndromes.

Dumping attack occurs after eating liquid food. The development of motor and secretory dysfunction of the stomach leads to the rapid descent of poorly digested food into the intestine, where it is further broken down. Extracellular fluid that enters the jejunum overstretches the intestinal wall, which is manifested by diarrhea. The level of serotonin in the blood rises, and vasomotor symptoms occur. hyperhidrosis, tachycardia, hot flashes, dyspepsia, fainting. Dumping syndrome is accompanied by dysfunction of the entire digestive system. Rapid absorption of carbohydrate food leads to buy tacrolimus online and a sharp deterioration in the well-being of patients.. The risk of the syndrome is directly dependent on the size of the removed part of the stomach.

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Women are most susceptible to the disease. Every fourth operated patient suffers from this complication.

To make a correct diagnosis, specialists need to collect an anamnesis, conduct an objective examination of the patient and X-ray of the digestive tract. The treatment of the disease is symptomatic, consisting in the medical correction of clinical manifestations. Severe severity of the syndrome requires surgical intervention. Timely determination of the cause of the disease and ways to deal with it can prevent the development of serious complications. hypoglycemic coma, collapse, mental disorders.

The etiopathogenetic factors of the disease remain not fully understood. Dumping syndrome is a complication of the following operations.

Mild - rare attacks provoked by errors in nutrition, lasting 20-30 minutes and disappearing on their own. Pathology is manifested by weakness, dizziness, profuse sweating, tachycardia. Medium - frequent attacks lasting 1-1.5 hours and manifested by tachycardia, hypertension, diarrhea, pain in the upper abdomen, fatigue, tinnitus, irascibility, aggressiveness, insomnia, impaired basal and mineral metabolism, weight loss, anemia. Severe - attacks last a long time, appear every time after eating and are accompanied by clouding of consciousness, collapse, cachexia, fainting, involuntary urination.

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Resection according to Billroth-I - the stump of prograf pills and stomach is sutured tightly. Resection according to Billroth-II ends with the imposition of gastroenteroanastomosis. Selective, stem vagotomy. Pyloroplasty. Bariatric surgery to reduce the size of the stomach.

Overeating, Eating mostly liquid food, Too hot or cold food, Excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates, Stress, Physical overexertion, Severe chronic illnesses - diabetes, colitis, Mental disorders. Pathogenetic links of the syndrome.

Removal of a part of the stomach, Violation of its reservoir function, Rapid evacuation of undigested food into the intestines, Irritation of the mucous membrane with coarse and concentrated chyme, Outflow of blood from the brain and legs, blood flow to the intestine and liver, Hypovolemia, dyspepsia, Excitation of the sympathetic or parasympathetic part of tacrolimus pills, Release of catecholamines and other neurotransmitters into the blood, Vasodilation and increased intestinal motility, Imbalance of gastrointestinal hormones, Development of symptoms of the disease.

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About tacrolimus

As a result of an operation on the stomach, the organ loses its reservoir function, the gastric contents enter the intestine not in portions, but rapidly. In the jejunum, the content of undigested carbohydrates increases, which leads to hyperglycemia and hypersecretion of insulin.

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